1 エイジングする住まいづくり
2 次世代を見据えた家づくり
3 受け継ぐ・循環させる
4 寛容
5 心の通う家づくり
DEN PLUS EGGには営業部門はありません。担当スタッフが直接お客さんと対話をし、本当に心が動いたことを素直に伝え合ってプランニングを進めます。施主と施工者という関係を超えた友情を感じることができれば、より良い関係で家づくりを進めることができると考えています。
6 日々の暮らしが培う美意識
7 食べることを大切に
8 選ぶ・意識する
1 Creating homes that age well
We avoid using disposable materials as much as possible, and instead use materials that age well, allowing whoever lives there to enjoy their changes as the years pass by. We aim to create homes that can grow together throughout the various stages of life.
2 Building homes for generations to come
It doesn’t matter how many pretty or expensive items you throw into your house design unless the underlying structure is solid. Our homes are built with precise spatial design, quality construction, and a solid foundation to support the structure. Our staff members, each with their own expertise, form a team to tackle the construction of each home.
3 Inheriting and passing on
Huge amounts of items can be found in circulation at antique fairs. Something that was once dear to one person, is passed from person to person. We give cherished objects from Europe a new lease of life by reusing or repurposing them in entirely new ways. Our approach is far from the business strategy of manufacturing new items that will end up being throwing them away, and instead of creating an abundance of overflowing possessions, we want to create true abundance.
4 Acceptance
Acceptance can be cultivated by taking on old items that have been scratched, dented, or stained overtime. We believe that by collaborating with customers who share the same spirit of acceptance, we can create unparalleled wonderful spaces.
5 Creating a home with a heart
DEN PLUS EGG does not have a sales department. The customer deals directly with the staff in charge, and planning is carried out through honest communication on a very human level. We believe that if we can create a sense of friendship that exceeds the owner-contractor relationship, we will be able to move forward with building a home more smoothly.
6 A sense of beauty cultivated in daily life
A workplace never without a single flower, is where a home full of flowers is created. Our staff work begins each morning with cleaning and arranging wildflowers. By always making the workplace a pleasant space, we can cultivate the attitude important for building homes.
7 Valuing what we consume
We value what we eat daily. A proper lunch is important no matter how busy you are. That is why we created a cafeteria for our staff. We believe that having a healthy mind and body is essential to building a home.
8 Being conscious with our choices
The materials used in building our homes can be chosen. And by choosing consciously, we can reduce our impact on the environment. While valuing aesthetics, we also believe in the importance of making choices with the environment’s future in mind. We strive to always be conscious of our choices.